CSL, SRI International & DCS, UIUC

Installing Maude 

The information below describes how to install Maude.

The following discussion assumes a Linux configuration. Switch `linux' by `solaris' or `sunos' or `alpha' in what follows if you download a Solaris or SunOS or Alpha Dec version of the system. To install the system:

 uncompress maude-linux.tar.Z | tar xvf -
This generates the following directory structure:
You can start the Core Maude system by calling the maude.linux binary in the maude-linux/bin directory. Note that when you execute maude.linux the file prelude.maude is automatically loaded in the system. The system looks for it in the same directory where it is located. This is all you need to use Core Maude.

Once you are in the Core Maude system, if you want to use Full Maude, you need to load the full-maude.maude file. You have to give the path of the full-maude.maude file to load it. Thus, if you are in the directory where the file full-maude.maude is located you just type:

Maude> in full-maude.maude
Assuming that the  full-maude.maude file is in the maude-linux/bin directory and that you are, for example, in the directory maude-linux/examples, you type:
Maude> in ../bin/full-maude.maude
If you want to avoid the inconvenience of typing the whole path everytime you have to download it, we recomend creating a soft link to it. The system does not assume anything about its location. However, we strongly recomend not to change its location to facilitate future actualizations. You can create a symbolic link to get the same effect.

Now you are ready to start the Full Maude system. You do so by typing

Maude> loop init .
You can then start entering modules or commands to Full Maude. At this point the system accepts inputs to Core Maude (in the usual way) and to Full Maude (enclosing them in parentheses).

Another way of using Full Maude is to pass full-maude.maude as an argument when executing maude.linux,  by typing

maude.linux full-maude.maude
when both files are in the same directory, or the full path name for each otherwise. Or you can define your own aliases. For example,
alias maude  "<path>/maude-linux/bin/maude.linux"
alias full-maude  "<path>/maude-linux/bin/maude.linux   <path>/maude-linux/bin/full-maude.maude"
The directory maude-linux/bin/examples contains all the examples in the manual.
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