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E A Software Architecture Interoperation Example

The following example--developed by Francisco Durán and José Meseguer as part of a broader joint project with Carolyn Talcott on the uses of rewriting logic as a semantic framework for the interoperation of architectural description languages (ADLs) [34]--is included for two purposes.

On the one hand, it is a medium-size example that exhibits many of the object-oriented and parameterized programming features of Full Maude; it can therefore be profitably used together with the examples in Sections 3.2 and 3.5 to become more familiar with the object-oriented and parameterized programming features of Full Maude.

On the other hand, the example has an interest in its own right as a nontrivial case study demonstrating the suitability of rewriting logic as a semantic framework, to give a formal semantics to, and to interoperate, different architectural description languages. Intuitively, such languages have different semantic models, but such models are not always precisely defined, and it is even less clear how one can interoperate in a correct way ADLs based on quite different semantic models.

The example is somewhat modest in its goals. In particular, we do not model the syntax of any existing ADLs. Instead, we specify in rewriting logic the semantics for the semantic models of several typical ADLs, including dataflow--in both a static and a reflective-dynamic form--message passing, and implicit invocation.

The need for having to use and interoperate several of these models is motivated by the example itself, namely a system in which ../../../images from ships in the ocean, together with information about their location, are first sent to an image recognition subsystem that has a typical "pipes and filters" dataflow architecture. In this case the dataflow architecture happens to be dynamic, so that it can be modified at runtime in a reflexive way by adding new recognition units to it. The results of the image recognition subsystem are then summarized and sent in a message-passing style to a command center that has an implicit invocation architecture, so that each object will react in its own particular way to the same event broadcast to all of them. Each of the objects in the command center can then send appropriate messages in response to the information that it receives. The overall architecture of the system is summarized in a pictorial way in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Semantic interoperability of heterogeneous architectures.

(fmod MACHINE-INT* is
   protecting MACHINE-INT .

   var N : MachineInt .
   var M : MachineInt .

   *** difference of two numbers
   op dif : MachineInt MachineInt -> MachineInt .
   eq dif(N, M) 
     = if N > M 
       then N - M 
       else M - N 
       fi .

   *** maximum of two numbers
   op max : MachineInt MachineInt -> MachineInt .
   eq max(N, M) 
     = if N > M 
       then N  
       else M 
       fi .

(fth TRIV is 
  sort Elt .

(fmod DEFAULT[Y :: TRIV] is
  sort Default[Y] .
  subsort Elt.Y < Default[Y] .
  op null : -> Default[Y] .

(fmod PAIR[X :: TRIV, Y :: TRIV] is
  sort Pair[X, Y] .

  op <_;_> : Elt.X Elt.Y -> Pair[X, Y] .
  op 1st : Pair[X, Y] -> Elt.X .
  op 2nd : Pair[X, Y] -> Elt.Y .

  var A : Elt.X . 
  var B : Elt.Y .

  eq 1st(< A ; B >) = A .
  eq 2nd(< A ; B >) = B .

(fmod TRIPLE[X :: TRIV, Y :: TRIV, Z :: TRIV] is
  sort Triple[X, Y, Z] .

  op <_;_;_> : Elt.X Elt.Y Elt.Z -> Triple[X, Y, Z] .
  op 1st : Triple[X, Y, Z] -> Elt.X .
  op 2nd : Triple[X, Y, Z] -> Elt.Y .
  op 3rd : Triple[X, Y, Z] -> Elt.Z .

  var A : Elt.X . 
  var B : Elt.Y . 
  var C : Elt.Z .

  eq 1st(< A ; B ; C >) = A .
  eq 2nd(< A ; B ; C >) = B .
  eq 3rd(< A ; B ; C >) = C .

(fmod LIST[X :: TRIV] is
  sort List[X] .  
  subsort Elt.X < List[X] .

  op nil : -> List[X] .
  op _._ : List[X] List[X] -> List[X] [assoc id: nil] .

(fmod SET[X :: TRIV] is 
  protecting BOOL .

  sorts Set[X] NeSet[X] . 
  subsorts Elt.X < NeSet[X] < Set[X] .

  op mt : -> Set[X] .
  op __ : Set[X] Set[X] -> Set[X] [assoc comm id: mt] .
  op __ : NeSet[X] NeSet[X] -> NeSet[X] [assoc comm id: mt] .
  op _in_ : Elt.X Set[X] -> Bool .

  vars E E' : Elt.X . 
  var S : Set[X] .

  eq E E = E .

  eq E in mt = false .
  eq E in (E' S) = E == E' or (E in S) .

(fth FUNCTION is
  sorts Domain Codomain .
  op f : Domain -> Codomain .

(view Domain from TRIV to FUNCTION is
  sort Elt to Domain .

(view Codomain from TRIV to FUNCTION is
  sort Elt to Codomain .

(fmod MAP[F :: FUNCTION] is 
  protecting (SET[Domain] * (op __ to _;_))[F] .
  protecting SET[Codomain][F] .

  op map : Set[Domain][F] -> Set[Codomain][F] .

  var A : Domain.F . 
  var S : Set[Domain][F] .

  eq map(mt) = (mt).Set`[Codomain`]`[F`] .
  eq map(A ; S) = f(A) map(S) .

(fmod PFUN[U :: TRIV, V :: TRIV] is 
  protecting BOOL .

  protecting DEFAULT[V] .

  *** protecting PAIR[U, Default[V]] not supported.  
  *** We use Pair[U, V] instead of Pair[U, Default[V]]

  sort Pair[U, V] .

  op <_;_> : Elt.U Default[V] -> Pair[U, V] .
  op 1st : Pair[U, V] -> Elt.U .
  op 2nd : Pair[U, V] -> Default[V] .

  var A : Elt.U . 
  var B : Default[V] .

  eq 1st(< A ; B >) = A .
  eq 2nd(< A ; B >) = B .

  *** protecting SET[Pair[U, Default[V]]] not supported.  
  *** We would like to be able to write
  *** pr SET[Pair[U, Default[V]]] 
  ***      * (sort Set[Pair[U, Default[V]]] to PairSet[U, Default[V]],
  ***         sort NeSet[Pair[U, Default[V]]] to NePairSet[U, Default[V]]) .
  *** We use PairSet[U, V] and NePairSet[U, V] instead of 
  *** PairSet[U, Default[V]] and NePairSet[U, Default[V]].

  sorts PairSet[U, V] NePairSet[U, V] . 
  subsorts Pair[U, V] < NePairSet[U, V] < PairSet[U, V] .

  op mt : -> PairSet[U, V] .
  op __ : PairSet[U, V] PairSet[U, V] -> PairSet[U, V] 
        [assoc comm id: (mt).PairSet`[U`,V`]] .
  op __ : NePairSet[U, V] NePairSet[U, V] -> NePairSet[U, V] 
        [assoc comm id: (mt).PairSet`[U`,V`]] .
  op _in_ : Pair[U, V] PairSet[U, V] -> Bool .

  vars E E' : Pair[U, V] . 
  var S : PairSet[U, V] .

  eq E E = E .

  eq E in (mt).PairSet`[U`,V`] = false .
  eq E in (E' S) = (E == E') or (E in S) .

  *** We would like to be able to write
  *** pr MAP[view to PAIR[U, Default[V]] is 
  ***          sort Domain to Pair[U, Default[V]] . 
  ***          sort Codomain to Elt.U . 
  ***          op f to 1st . 
  ***        endv]
  ***      * (sort Set[Domain][U] to PairSet[U, Default[V]], 
  ***         sort Set[Codomain][Default[V]] to Set[U], 
  ***         op map to dom) .
  *** and
  *** pr MAP[view to PAIR[U, Default[V]] is 
  ***          sort Domain to Pair[U, Default[V]] . 
  ***          sort Codomain to Default[V] . 
  ***          op f to 2nd . 
  ***        endv]
  ***      * (sort Set[Domain][U] to PairSet[U, Default[V]], 
  ***         sort Set[Codomain][Default[V]] to Set[Default[V]], 
  ***         op map to im) .
  *** Instead, we use Set[U] and Set[V]

  protecting SET[U] .
  *** protecting SET[Default[V]] not supported.  
  *** We use Set[V] instead of Set[Default[V]].
  protecting SET[V] .

  sort PFun[U, V] .

  subsorts Pair[U, V] < PFun[U, V] < PairSet[U, V] .

  op mt : -> PFun[U, V] .
  op _`[_`] : PFun[U, V] Elt.U -> Default[V] .
  op _`[_->_`] : PFun[U, V] Elt.U Default[V] -> PFun[U, V] .

  vars C : Default[V] . 
  var F : PFun[U, V] .

  op dom : PairSet[U, V] -> Set[U] .  *** domain
  eq dom((mt).PairSet`[U`,V`]) = (mt).Set`[U`] .
  eq dom(< A ; B > S) = A dom(S) .

  op im : PairSet[U, V] -> Set[V] .   *** image
  eq im((mt).PairSet`[U`,V`]) = (mt).Set`[V`] .
  eq im(< A ; B > S) = B im(S) .

  cmb < A ; B > F : PFun[U, V] 
    if not(A in dom(F)) .

  eq (< A ; B > F)[ A ] = B .
  ceq F [ A ] 
    = null 
      if not(A in dom(F)) .
  eq (< A ; B > F)[ A -> C ] 
    = < A ; C > F .
  ceq F [ A -> C ] 
    = < A ; C > F 
      if not(A in dom(F)) .

*** the following data type of Ports will be used for the input and output
*** ports of filter objects in the pipe and filters model.

(view NzMachineInt from TRIV to MACHINE-INT* is
  sort Elt to NzMachineInt .

(fmod PORTS[X :: TRIV] is 
  protecting BOOL .
  protecting PFUN[NzMachineInt, X] 
              * (sort Pair[NzMachineInt, X] to Port[X],
                 sort PairSet[NzMachineInt, X] to PortSet[X],
                 sort NePairSet[NzMachineInt, X] to NePortSet[X]) . 

  op put : Default[X] PortSet[X] -> PortSet[X] .
     *** set the value of all the ports to the given value
  op flush : PortSet[X] -> PortSet[X] .
     *** set all the ports to null
  op empty : PortSet[X] -> Bool .
     *** true if all the ports in the set are set to null
  op full : PortSet[X] -> Bool .
     *** true if all the ports in the set ar different from null

  var N : NzMachineInt . 
  vars A B : Default[X] . 
  var S : PortSet[X] .

  eq put(B, mt) 
    = (mt).PortSet`[X`] .
  eq put(B, (< N ; A > S)) 
    = < N ; B > put(B, S) .

  eq flush(S) 
    = put(null, S) .

  eq empty(mt) 
    = true .
  eq empty(< N ; A > S) 
    = (A == null) and empty(S) .

  eq full(mt) 
    = true .
  eq full(< N ; A > S) 
    = (A =/= null) and full(S) .

(omod OID is 
  protecting MACHINE-INT* .
  op o : MachineInt -> Oid .

(view MachineInt from TRIV to MACHINE-INT* is
  sort Elt to MachineInt .

(view Triple`[MachineInt`,MachineInt`,MachineInt`] 
       from TRIV 
       to TRIPLE[MachineInt,MachineInt,MachineInt] is
   sort Elt to Triple[MachineInt, MachineInt, MachineInt] .

(view List`[MachineInt`] from TRIV to LIST[MachineInt] is
   sort Elt to List[MachineInt] .

(view Image from TRIV to LIST[MachineInt]*(sort List[MachineInt] to Image) is
  sort Elt to Image .

*** A sighting consists of two-dimensional coords plus a time, plus
*** an image described as a list of block heights.
*** For example, the image of a destroyer, with shape 
***                          #
***                          # # #
***                      # # # # # #
***                      # # # # # #,
*** is given by the list 2 . 2 . 4 . 3 . 3 . 2.

(fmod SIGHTING is 
  pr LIST[MachineInt]*(sort List[MachineInt] to Image) .
  pr PAIR[Triple`[MachineInt`,MachineInt`,MachineInt`], Image]
       *(sort Triple[MachineInt, MachineInt, MachineInt] to Location, 
         sort Pair[Triple`[MachineInt`,MachineInt`,MachineInt`], Image] 
                   to Sighting,
         op 1st : Pair[Triple`[MachineInt`,MachineInt`,MachineInt`], Image] 
                   -> Triple`[MachineInt`,MachineInt`,MachineInt`] to sighting,
         op 2nd : Pair[Triple`[MachineInt`,MachineInt`,MachineInt`], Image] 
                   -> Image to image) .  

  op distance : Image Image -> MachineInt .  *** distance between two ../../../images
  op size : Image -> MachineInt .
  op aircraft-carrier : -> Image .
  op oil-tanker : -> Image .
  op destroyer : -> Image .
  op speedboat : -> Image .

  vars N M : MachineInt . 
  vars L Q : Image .

  eq size(nil) = 0 .
  eq size(N) = N .
  eq size(N . L) = N + size(L) .
  eq distance(nil, L) = size(L) .
  eq distance(L, nil) = size(L) .
  eq distance(N, M . L) = dif(N, M) + size(L) .
  eq distance(M . L, N) = dif(N, M) + size(L) .
  eq distance(N . L, M . Q) = dif(N, M) + distance(L, Q) .
  eq aircraft-carrier = 3 . 3 . 3 . 3 . 3 . 4 . 3 . 3 . 3 .
  eq oil-tanker = 2 . 2 . 2 . 2 . 2 . 2 . 2 . 3 .
  eq destroyer = 2 . 2 . 4 . 3 . 3 . 2 .
  eq speedboat = 1 . 1 .

(view Oid from TRIV to OID is
  sort Elt to Oid .

(view Pair`[Oid`,NzMachineInt`] from TRIV to PAIR[Oid, NzMachineInt] is
  sort Elt to Pair[Oid, NzMachineInt] .

(omod PIPE[X :: TRIV] is 
  pr DEFAULT[Pair`[Oid`,NzMachineInt`]] 
             * (sort Default[Pair`[Oid`,NzMachineInt`]] to DfltAddr) .
  pr LIST[X] .

  class Pipe[X] | from : DfltAddr, to : DfltAddr, q : List[X] .

(omod FILTER[X :: TRIV] is 
  including PIPE[X] .
  protecting PORTS[X] . 

  class Filter[X] | in : PortSet[X], out : PortSet[X] . 

  vars O P : Oid . 
  var N : NzMachineInt . 
  var E : Elt.X . 
  var S : PortSet[X] . 
  var Q : List[X] .
  rl [filter-1] :
   < O : Filter[X] | out : (< N ; E > S) > 
   < P : Pipe[X] | from : < O ; N >, q : Q >
   => < O : Filter[X] | out : (< N ; null > S) > 
      < P : Pipe[X] | q : (E . Q) > .

  rl [filter-2] :
   < O : Filter[X] | in : (< N ; null > S) > 
   < P : Pipe[X] | to : < O ; N >, q : E >
   => < O : Filter[X] | in : (< N ; E > S) > 
      < P : Pipe[X] | q : nil > .

  rl [filter-3] :
   < O : Filter[X] | in : (< N ; null > S) > 
   < P : Pipe[X] | to : < O ; N >, q : (Q . E) >
   => < O : Filter[X] | in : (< N ; E > S) > 
      < P : Pipe[X] | q : Q > .

(omod FANOUT[X :: TRIV] is 
  including FILTER[X] .

  class Fanout[X] | cnt : MachineInt .
  subclass Fanout[X] < Filter[X] .

  var E : Elt.X . 
  var S : PortSet[X] . 
  var F : Oid .
  var N : MachineInt .

  crl [fanout] :
   < F : Fanout[X] | in : < 1 ; E >, out : S, cnt : N > 
   => < F : Fanout[X] | in : < 1 ; (null).Default`[X`] >, 
                        out : put(E, S), 
                        cnt : (N + 1) > 
      if empty(S) and not (E == (null).Default`[X`]) .

(view Sighting from TRIV to SIGHTING is
  sort Elt to Sighting .

(view Loc-Eval from FUNCTION 
               to PAIR[Sighting, MachineInt] 
                    * (sort Pair[Sighting, MachineInt] to Loc-Eval) is
    sort Domain to Loc-Eval .
    sort Codomain to Location .
    var D : Domain .
    op f(D) to term sighting(1st(D)) .

(view ImageSight from TRIV to SIGHTING is
  sort Elt to Image .

(view Pair`[ImageSight`,MachineInt`] 
       from TRIV to PAIR[ImageSight, MachineInt] is
    sort Elt to Pair[ImageSight, MachineInt] .

(fmod DATA is 
  protecting SIGHTING .
  protecting MAP[Loc-Eval]
              *(sort Set[Domain][Loc-Eval] to Loc-Evals, 
                sort NeSet[Domain][Loc-Eval] to Ne-Loc-Evals, 
                op mt : -> Set[Domain][Loc-Eval] to mt-Loc-Evals,
                sort Set[Codomain][Loc-Eval] to Locations, 
                sort NeSet[Codomain][Loc-Eval] to Ne-Locations, 
                op mt : -> Set[Codomain][Loc-Eval] to mt-Locations,
                op map to locs) .
  protecting SET[Pair`[ImageSight`,MachineInt`]]
               *(sort Pair[ImageSight, MachineInt] to Eval, 
                 sort Set[Pair`[ImageSight`,MachineInt`]] to Evals,
                 sort NeSet[Pair`[ImageSight`,MachineInt`]] to NeEvals,
                 op mt to mt-Evals) .

  sort Data .
  subsort Sighting < Data .
  subsort Loc-Evals < Data .

  op unidentified-object : -> Eval .
  op winners : Loc-Evals NzMachineInt -> Evals .

  var LEVS : Loc-Evals . 
  vars N M : MachineInt . 
  var L : Location . 
  var I : Image .

  eq winners(mt-Loc-Evals, N) = mt-Evals .
  eq winners((< < L ; I > ; M > ; LEVS), N) 
    = if N > M
      then (< I ; M > winners(LEVS, N))
      else winners(LEVS, N) 
      fi .

(view Data from TRIV to DATA is 
  sort Elt to Data .

  including FILTER[Data] .

  class Recognizer | model : Image .
  subclass Recognizer < Filter[Data] .

  var L : Location . 
  vars I M : Image . 
  var R : Oid .

  rl [recognizer] :
   < R : Recognizer | in : < 1 ; < L ; I > >, out : < 1 ; null >, model : M >  
   => < R : Recognizer | 
         in : < 1 ; null >, 
         out : < 1 ; < < L ; M > ; distance(I, M) > > > .

  *** this rule assumes unique input and output ports and singleton
  *** data values in them as the way recognizer filters are used.

(omod COLLECTOR is 
  including FILTER[Data] .

  class Collector | cnt : MachineInt .
  subclass Collector < Filter[Data] .

  op evals : PortSet[Data] -> Loc-Evals .

  var S : PortSet[Data] . 
  var C : Oid .
  var N : MachineInt .
  var D : Data .

  eq evals(< N ; D > S) = (D ; evals(S)).Loc-Evals .
  eq evals((mt).PortSet`[Data`]) = mt-Loc-Evals .

  crl [collector] :
   < C : Collector | in : S, out : < 1 ; null >, cnt : N > 
   => < C : Collector | in : flush(S), out : < 1 ; evals(S) >, cnt : (N + 1) >
      if full(S) and (S =/= mt) .

  including COLLECTOR .

  class Discriminator | 
          collector : Oid, threshold : NzMachineInt, controller : Oid .

  msg to_at_evals_ot : Oid Location Evals -> Msg .

  var S : PortSet[Data] . 
  vars C D G : Oid . 
  var N : NzMachineInt . 
  var LEVS : Loc-Evals .

  crl [discriminator] :
   < D : Discriminator | collector : C, threshold : N, controller : G >
   < C : Collector | out : < 1 ; LEVS > >
     => < D : Discriminator | >
        < C : Collector | out : < 1 ; null > >
        (to G at locs(LEVS) evals unidentified-object ot)
     if (locs(LEVS) : Location) and (winners(LEVS, N) == mt-Evals) .
  crl [discriminator] :
   < D : Discriminator | collector : C, threshold : N, controller : G >
   < C : Collector | out : < 1 ; LEVS > >
     => < D : Discriminator | >
        < C : Collector | out : < 1 ; null > >
        (to G at locs(LEVS) evals winners(LEVS, N) ot)
     if (locs(LEVS) : Location) and not (winners(LEVS, N) == mt-Evals) .
  *** the above rule uses the subsort inclusion Location < Locations and 
  *** assumes that all the located evaluations originate from
  *** the same sighting and therefore have the same location


(omod META is 
  inc FANOUT[Data] .
  pr DEFAULT[Oid] * (sort Default[Oid] to DftOid) .
  pr DEFAULT[MachineInt] * (sort Default[MachineInt] to DftMachineInt) .

  sort State .

  op lock : Cid -> Cid .
  op _._ : Oid MachineInt -> Oid .
  op ready : -> State .
  op busy : -> State .

  msg to_install-recognizer_ot : Oid Image -> Msg .

  class Meta | in-pipe : DftOid, out-pipe : DftOid, fanout : DftOid, 
             recognizer : DftOid, collector : DftOid, state : State, 
             cnt : DftMachineInt, tag : MachineInt .

  vars M P P' R F C : Oid . 
  var I : Image .
  vars N N' : MachineInt . 
  vars S S' : PortSet[Data] . 

  op max : NeSet[NzMachineInt] -> NzMachineInt .
  var T : NeSet[NzMachineInt] .
  eq max(N) = N .
  ceq max(N T) = N if N > max(T) .
  ceq max(N T) = max(T) if not (N > max(T)) .

  *** A meta-object can, upon request, dynamically change the configuration 
  *** of the dataflow network it controls, by adding a new recognizer object 
  *** to recognize a given image and two new pipes and by hooking it up
  *** through the pipes to the fanout and collector objects.

  rl [create] :
   (to M install-recognizer I ot) 
   < M : Meta | state : ready, tag : N > 
   => < M : Meta | state : busy, recognizer : (M . N), in-pipe : (M . (N + 1)),
             out-pipe : (M . (N + 2)), tag : (N + 3) >
      < (M . N) : Recognizer | in : < 1 ; (null).Default`[Data`] >,
             out : < 1 ; (null).Default`[Data`] >, model : I >
      < (M . (N + 1)) : Pipe[Data] | 
             from : (null).DfltAddr, to : < (M . N) ; 1 >, q : nil >
      < (M . (N + 2)) : Pipe[Data] | 
             from : < (M . N) ; 1 >, to : (null).DfltAddr, q : nil > .

  crl [hook-fanout-collector] :
   < M : Meta | state : busy, recognizer : R, 
                fanout : F, in-pipe : P, 
                collector : C, out-pipe : P' > 
   < F : Fanout[Data] | cnt : N', out : S >
   < P : Pipe[Data] | from : (null).DfltAddr > 
   < C : Collector | cnt : N', in : S' > 
   < P' : Pipe[Data] | to : (null).DfltAddr >
   => < M : Meta | state : ready, recognizer : (null).DftOid, 
                in-pipe : (null).DftOid, out-pipe : (null).DftOid >
      < F : Fanout[Data] | 
                out : (S < (max(dom(S)) + 1) ; (null).Default`[Data`] >) >
      < P : Pipe[Data] | from : < F ; (max(dom(S)) + 1) > > 
      < C : Collector | 
                in : (S' < (max(dom(S')) + 1) ; (null).Default`[Data`] >) > 
      < P' : Pipe[Data] | to : < C ; (max(dom(S')) + 1) > >
      if empty(S) and empty(S') .

  including META .

  op init-conf : -> Configuration .
  *** this initial configuration has a pipe feeding ../../../images and linked
  *** to a fanout object that is then linked by pipes to three
  *** recognizers for speedboats, destroyers, and aircraft carriers
  *** their evaluations are then fed by other pipes into a collector
  *** object.  A discriminator object then selects the evaluations
  *** accurate within a threshold and sends them (or an unidentified
  *** object report) to a controller object.  Finally, there is a
  *** metaobject that can dynamically change the dataflow network
  *** by hooking up to it new recognizers via new pipes.

  eq init-conf 
    = < o(0) : Pipe[Data] | 
            from : (null).DfltAddr, 
            to : < o(1) ; 1 >,
            q : (< < 1 ; 2 ; 3 > ; (2 . 2 . 4 . 4 . 3 . 2) > .
                 < < 4 ; 5 ; 2 > ; (2 . 1) > .
                 < < 7 ; 5 ; 1 > ; (3 . 3 . 3 . 3 . 3 . 5 . 4 . 3 . 3) > . 
                 < < 0 ; 0 ; 0 > ; (2 . 2 . 2 . 2 . 2 . 2 . 2 . 3) >) >
    < o(1) : Fanout[Data] | 
            in : < 1 ; (null).Default`[Data`] >, 
            out : (< 1 ; (null).Default`[Data`] > 
                   < 2 ; (null).Default`[Data`] > 
                   < 3 ; (null).Default`[Data`] >), 
            cnt : 0 >
    < o(2) : Pipe[Data] | 
            from : < o(1) ; 1 >, 
            to : < o(5) ; 1 >, 
            q : nil >
    < o(3) : Pipe[Data] | 
            from : < o(1) ; 2 >, 
            to : < o(6) ; 1 >, 
            q : nil >
    < o(4) : Pipe[Data] | 
            from : < o(1) ; 3 >, 
            to : < o(7) ; 1 >, 
            q : nil >
    < o(5) : Recognizer | 
            in : < 1 ; (null).Default`[Data`] >, 
            out : < 1 ; (null).Default`[Data`] >, 
            model : destroyer >
    < o(6) : Recognizer | 
            in : < 1 ; (null).Default`[Data`] >, 
            out : < 1 ; (null).Default`[Data`] >, 
            model : speedboat >
    < o(7) : Recognizer | 
            in : < 1 ; (null).Default`[Data`] >, 
            out : < 1 ; (null).Default`[Data`] >, 
            model : aircraft-carrier >
    < o(8) : Pipe[Data] | 
            from : < o(5) ; 1 >, 
            to : < o(11) ; 1 >, 
            q : nil >
    < o(9) : Pipe[Data] | 
            from : < o(6) ; 1 >, 
            to : < o(11) ; 2 >, 
            q : nil >
    < o(10) : Pipe[Data] | 
            from : < o(7) ; 1 >, 
            to : < o(11) ; 3 >, 
            q : nil >
    < o(11) : Collector | 
            in : (< 1 ; (null).Default`[Data`] > 
                  < 2 ; (null).Default`[Data`] > 
                  < 3 ; (null).Default`[Data`] >),
            out : < 1 ; (null).Default`[Data`] >, 
            cnt : 0 >
    < o(12) : Discriminator | 
            collector : o(11), 
            threshold : 4, 
            controller : o(13) > 
    < o(13) : Meta | 
            in-pipe : (null).DftOid, 
            out-pipe : (null).DftOid, 
            fanout : o(1), 
            recognizer : (null).DftOid, 
            collector : o(11), 
            state : ready, 
            cnt : (null).DftMachineInt, 
            tag : 0 > .


  pr PFUN[E, M] * (sort PFun[E, M] to Table[E, M]) .

  class Bubble | conf : Configuration .
  class Implicit | table : Table[E, M] .

  msg to_msg_with_ot : Oid Elt.M Elt.P -> Msg .

  op bc_with_in_cb : Elt.E Elt.P Configuration -> Configuration .

  sort ExtAct .
  subsort ExtAct < Msg .

  vars B O : Oid . 
  var M : Elt.M . 
  var E : Elt.E . 
  var P : Elt.P . 
  var T : Table[E, M] .
  vars C C' : Configuration . 
  var MSG : Msg . 
  var EA : ExtAct .

  crl [bc1] :
   bc E with P in C C' cb
   => bc E with P in C cb 
      bc E with P in C' cb 
      if (C =/= empty) and (C' =/= empty) .
  rl [bc2] :
   bc E with P in empty cb 
   => (empty).Configuration .
  rl [bc3] :
   bc E with P in MSG cb 
   => MSG .
  crl [bc4] :
   bc E with P in < O : Implicit | table : T > cb 
   => < O : Implicit | table : T > 
      if T[E] == null .
  crl [bc4] :
   bc E with P in < O : Implicit | table : T > cb 
   => to O msg T[E] with P ot 
      < O : Implicit | table : T > 
      if not (T[E] == null) .

  rl [out] :
   < B : Bubble | conf : (EA C) > 
   => < B : Bubble | conf : C > EA .

  sorts Event MsgId .

  op sghtng : -> Event .
  op air-act : -> MsgId .
  op bttlshp-act : -> MsgId .

(view MsgId from TRIV to OVERALL-SYSTEM0 is
  sort Elt to MsgId .

(view Event from TRIV to OVERALL-SYSTEM0 is
  sort Elt to Event .

(view Location from TRIV to IMAGE-RECOGNITION is
  sort Elt to Location .

(view Evals from TRIV to IMAGE-RECOGNITION is
  sort Elt to Evals .

(view Pair`[Location`,Evals`] from TRIV to PAIR[Location, Evals] is
  sort Elt to Pair[Location, Evals] .


  inc IMPLICIT-INVOCATION[MsgId, Event, Pair`[Location`,Evals`]]
                * (class Bubble to Controller) .

  class Commander | table : Table[Event, MsgId], subordinate : Oid .
  subclass Commander < Implicit .

  msg to_threat-at_ot : Oid Location -> ExtAct .
  msg to_recon-at_ot : Oid Location -> ExtAct .

  op q : MachineInt -> Oid .

  vars O Q S : Oid . 
  var L : Location . 
  var EVS : Evals . 
  var C : Configuration .

  rl [control] :
    to O at L evals EVS ot 
    < O : Controller | conf : C > 
    => < O : Controller | conf : (bc sghtng with < L ; EVS > in C cb) > .

  rl [bttlshp-act] :
    to Q msg bttlshp-act with < L ; EVS > ot 
    < O : Commander | subordinate : S > 
    => < O : Commander | > 
      to S threat-at L ot .
  rl [air-act] :
    to Q msg air-act with < L ; EVS > ot 
    < O : Commander | subordinate : S > 
    => < O : Commander | > 
       to S recon-at L ot .

  op syst-conf : -> Configuration .

  eq syst-conf 
    = init-conf 
    < o(14) : Controller | 
         conf : (< q(0) : Commander | table : < sghtng ; air-act >, 
                                      subordinate : q(1) >
                 < q(2) : Commander | table : < sghtng ; air-act >, 
                                      subordinate : q(3) >) > .

Maude> (rew init-conf .)

Rewrite in OVERALL-SYSTEM : init-conf . 
Result Configuration : 
   < o(0) : Pipe[Data] | q : nil, from : null, to : < o(1) ; 1 > > 
   < o(1) : Fanout[Data] | out : (< 1 ; null > < 2 ; null > < 3 ; null >), 
                           in : < 1 ; null >, cnt : 4 > 
   < o(2) : Pipe[Data] | q : nil, from : < o(1) ; 1 >, to : < o(5) ; 1 > > 
   < o(3) : Pipe[Data] | q : nil, from : < o(1) ; 2 >, to : < o(6) ; 1 > > 
   < o(4) : Pipe[Data] | q : nil, from : < o(1) ; 3 >, to : < o(7) ; 1 > > 
   < o(5) : Recognizer | out : < 1 ; null >, in : < 1 ; null >, 
                         model : (2 . 2 . 4 . 3 . 3 . 2) > 
   < o(6) : Recognizer | out : < 1 ; null >, in : < 1 ; null >, 
                         model : (1 . 1) > 
   < o(7) : Recognizer | out : < 1 ; null >, in : < 1 ; null >, 
                         model : (3 . 3 . 3 . 3 . 3 . 4 . 3 . 3 . 3) > 
   < o(8) : Pipe[Data] | q : nil, from : < o(5) ; 1 >, to : < o(11) ; 1 > > 
   < o(9) : Pipe[Data] | q : nil, from : < o(6) ; 1 >, to : < o(11) ; 2 > > 
   < o(10) : Pipe[Data] | q : nil, from : < o(7) ; 1 >, to : < o(11) ; 3 > > 
   < o(11) : Collector | out : < 1 ; null >, 
                         in : (< 1 ; null > < 2 ; null > < 3 ; null >), 
                         cnt : 4 > 
   < o(12) : Discriminator | controller : o(13), threshold : 4, 
                             collector : o(11) > 
   < o(13) : Meta | cnt : null, collector : o(11), tag : 0, 
                    state : ready, out-pipe : null, in-pipe : null, 
                    recognizer : null, fanout : o(1) > 
   to o(13) at < 0 ; 0 ; 0 > evals unidentified-object ot 
   to o(13) at < 1 ; 2 ; 3 > evals < 2 . 2 . 4 . 3 . 3 . 2 ; 1 > ot 
   to o(13) at < 4 ; 5 ; 2 > evals < 1 . 1 ; 1 > ot 
   to o(13) at < 7 ; 5 ; 1 > evals < 3 . 3 . 3 . 3 . 3 . 4 . 3 . 3 . 3 ; 2 > ot

Maude> (rew init-conf (to o(13) install-recognizer oil-tanker ot) .)
Rewrite in OVERALL-SYSTEM : 
    to o(13) install-recognizer oil-tanker ot . 
Result Configuration : 
   < o(0) : Pipe[Data] | q : nil, from : null, to : < o(1) ; 1 > > 
   < o(1) : Fanout[Data] | 
             out : (< 1 ; null > < 2 ; null > < 3 ; null > < 4 ; null >), 
             in : < 1 ; null >, cnt : 4 > 
   < o(2) : Pipe[Data] | q : nil, from : < o(1) ; 1 >, to : < o(5) ; 1 > > 
   < o(3) : Pipe[Data] | q : nil, from : < o(1) ; 2 >, to : < o(6) ; 1 > > 
   < o(4) : Pipe[Data] | q : nil, from : < o(1) ; 3 >, to : < o(7) ; 1 > > 
   < o(5) : Recognizer | out : < 1 ; null >, in : < 1 ; null >, 
                         model : (2 . 2 . 4 . 3 . 3 . 2) > 
   < o(6) : Recognizer | out : < 1 ; null >, in : < 1 ; null >, 
                         model : (1 . 1) > 
   < o(7) : Recognizer | out : < 1 ; null >, in : < 1 ; null >, 
                         model : (3 . 3 . 3 . 3 . 3 . 4 . 3 . 3 . 3) > 
   < o(8) : Pipe[Data] | q : nil, from : < o(5) ; 1 >, to : < o(11) ; 1 > > 
   < o(9) : Pipe[Data] | q : nil, from : < o(6) ; 1 >, to : < o(11) ; 2 > > 
   < o(10) : Pipe[Data] | q : nil, from : < o(7) ; 1 >, to : < o(11) ; 3 > > 
   < o(11) : Collector | out : < 1 ; null >, 
              in : (< 1 ; null > < 2 ; null > < 3 ; null > < 4 ; null >), 
              cnt : 4 > 
   < o(12) : Discriminator | controller : o(13), threshold : 4, 
                             collector : o(11) > 
   < o(13) : Meta | cnt : null, collector : o(11), tag : 3, 
                    state : ready, out-pipe : null, in-pipe : null, 
                    recognizer : null, fanout : o(1) > 
   < o(13) . 0 : Recognizer | out : < 1 ; null >, in : < 1 ; null >, 
                              model : (2 . 2 . 2 . 2 . 2 . 2 . 2 . 3) > 
   < o(13) . 1 : Pipe[Data] | q : nil, from : < o(1) ; 4 >, 
                              to : < o(13) . 0 ; 1 > > 
   < o(13) . 2 : Pipe[Data] | q : nil, from : < o(13) . 0 ; 1 >, 
                              to : < o(11) ; 4 > > 
   to o(13) at < 0 ; 0 ; 0 > evals < 2 . 2 . 2 . 2 . 2 . 2 . 2 . 3 ; 0 > ot 
   to o(13) at < 1 ; 2 ; 3 > evals < 2 . 2 . 4 . 3 . 3 . 2 ; 1 > ot 
   to o(13) at < 4 ; 5 ; 2 > evals < 1 . 1 ; 1 > ot 
   to o(13) at < 7 ; 5 ; 1 > evals < 3 . 3 . 3 . 3 . 3 . 4 . 3 . 3 . 3 ; 2 > ot

Maude> (rew syst-conf .)
Rewrite in OVERALL-SYSTEM : syst-conf . 
Result Configuration : 
   < o(0) : Pipe[Data] | q : nil, from : null, to : < o(1) ; 1 > > 
   < o(1) : Fanout[Data] | out : (< 1 ; null > < 2 ; null > < 3 ; null >), 
                           in : < 1 ; null >, cnt : 4 > 
   < o(2) : Pipe[Data] | q : nil, from : < o(1) ; 1 >, to : < o(5) ; 1 > > 
   < o(3) : Pipe[Data] | q : nil, from : < o(1) ; 2 >, to : < o(6) ; 1 > > 
   < o(4) : Pipe[Data] | q : nil, from : < o(1) ; 3 >, to : < o(7) ; 1 > > 
   < o(5) : Recognizer | out : < 1 ; null >, in : < 1 ; null >, 
                         model : (2 . 2 . 4 . 3 . 3 . 2) > 
   < o(6) : Recognizer | out : < 1 ; null >, in : < 1 ; null >, 
                         model : (1 . 1) > 
   < o(7) : Recognizer | out : < 1 ; null >, in : < 1 ; null >, 
                         model : (3 . 3 . 3 . 3 . 3 . 4 . 3 . 3 . 3) > 
   < o(8) : Pipe[Data] | q : nil, from : < o(5) ; 1 >, to : < o(11) ; 1 > > 
   < o(9) : Pipe[Data] | q : nil, from : < o(6) ; 1 >, to : < o(11) ; 2 > > 
   < o(10) : Pipe[Data] | q : nil, from : < o(7) ; 1 >, to : < o(11) ; 3 > > 
   < o(11) : Collector | out : < 1 ; null >, 
                         in : (< 1 ; null > < 2 ; null > < 3 ; null >), 
                         cnt : 4 > 
   < o(12) : Discriminator | controller : o(13), threshold : 4, 
                             collector : o(11) > 
   < o(13) : Meta | cnt : null, collector : o(11), tag : 0, 
                    state : ready, out-pipe : null, in-pipe : null, 
                    recognizer : null, fanout : o(1) > 
   < o(14) : Controller | 
             conf : (< q(0) : Commander | table : < sghtng ; air-act >, 
                                          subordinate : q(1) > 
                     < q(2) : Commander | table : < sghtng ; air-act >, 
                                          subordinate : q(3) >) > 
   to o(13) at < 0 ; 0 ; 0 > evals unidentified-object ot 
   to o(13) at < 1 ; 2 ; 3 > evals < 2 . 2 . 4 . 3 . 3 . 2 ; 1 > ot 
   to o(13) at < 4 ; 5 ; 2 > evals < 1 . 1 ; 1 > ot 
   to o(13) at < 7 ; 5 ; 1 > evals < 3 . 3 . 3 . 3 . 3 . 4 . 3 . 3 . 3 ; 2 > ot

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