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C The Signature of Full Maude

The Full Maude system is defined as a Core Maude module. That is, the entire semantics of Full Maude is defined and executed in Core Maude. The full definition of the Full Maude system, including the definition of all the internal functions implementing the system can be found in [19]. In particular, the grammar of the Full Maude language, that a user should follow to enter modules and commands, is itself a functional submodule of the overall Full Maude system specification. This allows giving the following specification of the Full Maude grammar in a form more perspicuous in certain ways than the corresponding BNF grammar form.

  sorts Token NeTokenList Bubble
        SortToken Sort SortList SortDecl 
        ViewToken ViewExp 
        SubsortRel SubsortDecl 
        OpDecl Attr AttrList Hook HookList .
  subsorts SortToken < Sort < SortList .
  subsort ViewToken < ViewExp .
  subsort Attr < AttrList .
  subsort Hook < HookList .

  op ((_)) : Token -> Token .

  *** extended sorts
  op _[_] : Sort ViewExp -> Sort [prec 40] .
  op __ : SortList SortList -> SortList [assoc] .
  op _,_ : ViewExp ViewExp -> ViewExp [assoc] .

  *** sort declaration
  op sorts_. : SortList -> SortDecl .
  op sort_. : SortList -> SortDecl .

  *** subsort declaration
  op subsort_. : SubsortRel -> SubsortDecl .
  op subsorts_. : SubsortRel -> SubsortDecl .
  op _<_ : SortList SortList -> SubsortRel .
  op _<_ : SortList SubsortRel -> SubsortRel .

  *** operator attributes
  op __ : AttrList AttrList -> AttrList [assoc] .
  op assoc : -> Attr .
  op associative : -> Attr .
  op comm : -> Attr .
  op commutative : -> Attr .
  op id:_ : Bubble -> Attr .
  op identity:_ : Bubble -> Attr .
  op left id:_ : Bubble -> Attr .
  op left identity:_ : Bubble -> Attr .
  op right id:_ : Bubble -> Attr .
  op right identity:_ : Bubble -> Attr .
  op strat(_) : NeTokenList -> AttrList .
  op strategy(_) : NeTokenList -> AttrList .
  op prec_ : Token -> Attr .
  op precedence_ : Token -> Attr .
  op gather(_) : NeTokenList -> Attr .
  op gathering(_) : NeTokenList -> Attr .
  op idem : -> Attr .
  op idempotent : -> Attr .

  op special(_) : HookList -> Attr .
  op __ : HookList HookList -> HookList [assoc] .
  op id-hook_ : Token -> Hook .
  op id-hook_(_) : Token NeTokenList -> Hook .
  op op-hook_(_:_->_) : Token Token NeTokenList Token -> Hook .
  op op-hook_(_: ->_) : Token Token Token -> Hook .
  op term-hook_(_) : Token Bubble -> Hook .

  *** operator declaration
  op op_: ->_. : Token Sort -> OpDecl .
  op op_: ->_[_]. : Token Sort AttrList -> OpDecl .
  op op_:_->_. : Token SortList Sort -> OpDecl .
  op op_:_->_[_]. : Token SortList Sort AttrList -> OpDecl .
  op ops_: ->_. : NeTokenList Sort -> OpDecl .
  op ops_: ->_[_]. : NeTokenList Sort AttrList -> OpDecl .
  op ops_:_->_. : NeTokenList SortList Sort -> OpDecl .
  op ops_:_->_[_]. : NeTokenList SortList Sort AttrList -> OpDecl .

fmod F&S-MODS&THS is
  including SIGNS&VIEW-EXPRS .

  sorts FDeclList SDeclList PreModule 
        ImportDecl ModExp Parameter ParameterList 
        ModuleName EquationDecl RuleDecl MembAxDecl  
        VarDecl VarDeclList .
  subsort Parameter < ParameterList .
  subsorts Token < ModExp ModuleName .
  subsort VarDecl < VarDeclList .
  subsorts VarDecl ImportDecl SortDecl SubsortDecl 
           OpDecl MembAxDecl EquationDecl VarDeclList < FDeclList .
  subsorts RuleDecl FDeclList < SDeclList .

  *** variable declaration
  op vars_:_. : NeTokenList Sort -> VarDecl .
  op var_:_. : NeTokenList Sort -> VarDecl .

  *** membership axiom declaration
  op mb_:_. : Bubble Sort -> MembAxDecl .
  op cmb_:_if_. : Bubble Sort Bubble -> MembAxDecl .

  *** equation declaration
  op eq_=_. : Bubble Bubble -> EquationDecl .
  op ceq_=_if_. : Bubble Bubble Bubble -> EquationDecl .

  *** rule declaration
  op rl[_] :_=>_. : Token Bubble Bubble -> RuleDecl .
  op crl[_]:_=>_if_. : Token Bubble Bubble Bubble -> RuleDecl .

  *** importation declaration
  op including_. : ModExp -> ImportDecl .
  op inc_. : ModExp -> ImportDecl .
  op protecting_. : ModExp -> ImportDecl .
  op pr_. : ModExp -> ImportDecl .

  *** parameterized module interface
  op _::_ : Token ModExp -> Parameter [prec 40 gather (e &)] .
  op _,_ : ParameterList ParameterList -> ParameterList [assoc] .
  op _[_] : Token ParameterList -> ModuleName .

  *** declaration list
  op __ : VarDeclList VarDeclList -> VarDeclList [assoc] .
  op __ : SDeclList SDeclList -> SDeclList [assoc] .
  op __ : FDeclList FDeclList -> FDeclList [assoc] .

  *** functional and system module and theory
  op fmod_is_endfm : ModuleName FDeclList -> PreModule .
  op mod_is_endm : ModuleName SDeclList -> PreModule .
  op fth_is_endfth : ModuleName FDeclList -> PreModule .
  op th_is_endth : ModuleName SDeclList -> PreModule .

fmod OO-MODS&THS is
  including F&S-MODS&THS .

  sorts ClassDecl AttrDecl AttrDeclList 
        SubclassDecl MsgDecl ODeclList .
  subsorts SDeclList MsgDecl SubclassDecl ClassDecl < ODeclList .
  subsort AttrDecl < AttrDeclList .

  *** object-oriented module and theory
  op omod_is_endom : ModuleName ODeclList -> PreModule .
  op oth_is_endoth : ModuleName ODeclList -> PreModule .

  *** class declaration
  op class_|_. : Sort AttrDeclList -> ClassDecl .
  op class_. : Sort -> ClassDecl .
  op _,_ : AttrDeclList AttrDeclList -> AttrDeclList [assoc] .
  op _:_ : Token Sort -> AttrDecl [prec 40] .

  *** subclass declaration
  op subclass_. : SubsortRel -> SubclassDecl .
  op subclasses_. : SubsortRel -> SubclassDecl .
  op _<_ : SortList SortList -> SubsortRel .
  op _<_ : SortList SubsortRel -> SubsortRel .

  *** message declaration
  op msg_:_->_. : Token SortList Sort -> MsgDecl .
  op msgs_:_->_. : NeTokenList SortList Sort -> MsgDecl .

fmod MOD-EXPRS is
  including OO-MODS&THS .

  sorts Map MapList .
  subsort Map < MapList .

  *** module expression
  op _*(_) : ModExp MapList -> ModExp .
  op _[_] : ModExp ViewExp -> ModExp .

  *** renaming maps
  op op_to_ : Token Token -> Map .
  op op_:_->_to_ : Token SortList Sort Token -> Map .
  op op_: ->_to_ : Token Sort Token -> Map .
  op op_to_[_] : Token Token AttrList -> Map .
  op op_:_->_to_[_] : Token SortList Sort Token AttrList -> Map .
  op op_: ->_to_[_] : Token Sort Token AttrList -> Map .
  op sort_to_ : Sort Sort -> Map .
  op label_to_ : Token Token -> Map .
  op class_to_ : Sort Sort -> Map .
  op attr_._to_ : Token Sort Token -> Map .
  op msg_to_ : Token Token -> Map .
  op msg_:_->_to_ : Token SortList Sort Token -> Map .
  op msg_: ->_to_ : Token Sort Token -> Map .

  op _,_ : MapList MapList -> MapList [assoc prec 42] .

fmod VIEWS is
  including OO-MODS&THS .

  sorts ViewDecl ViewDeclList PreView .
  subsorts VarDecl < ViewDecl < ViewDeclList .
  subsort VarDeclList < ViewDeclList .

  *** view maps
  op op_to term_. : Bubble Bubble -> ViewDecl .
  op op_to_. : Token Token -> ViewDecl .
  op op_:_->_to_. : Token SortList Sort Token -> ViewDecl .
  op op_: ->_to_. : Token Sort Token -> ViewDecl .
  op sort_to_. : Sort Sort -> ViewDecl .
  op class_to_. : Sort Sort -> ViewDecl .
  op attr_._to_. : Token Sort Token -> ViewDecl .
  op msg_to_. : Token Token -> ViewDecl .
  op msg_:_->_to_. : Token SortList Sort Token -> ViewDecl .
  op msg_: ->_to_. : Token Sort Token -> ViewDecl .

  *** view
  op view_from_to_is_endv : 
        ViewToken ModExp ModExp ViewDeclList -> PreView .
  op __ : ViewDeclList ViewDeclList -> ViewDeclList [assoc] .

fmod COMMANDS is
  including MOD-EXPRS .

  sorts PreCommand .

  *** down function
  op down_:_ : ModExp PreCommand -> PreCommand .

  *** reduce command
  op red_. : Bubble -> PreCommand .
  op red-in_:_. : ModExp Bubble -> PreCommand .
  op reduce_. : Bubble -> PreCommand .
  op reduce-in_:_. : ModExp Bubble -> PreCommand .

  *** rewrite command
  op rew_. : Bubble -> PreCommand .
  op rew[_]_. : Token Bubble -> PreCommand .
  op rew-in_:_. : ModExp Bubble -> PreCommand .
  op rew-in[_]_:_. : Token ModExp Bubble -> PreCommand .
  op rewrite_. : Bubble -> PreCommand .
  op rewrite[_]_. : Token Bubble -> PreCommand .
  op rewrite-in_:_. : ModExp Bubble -> PreCommand .
  op rewrite-in[_]_:_. : Token ModExp Bubble -> PreCommand .

  *** select command
  op select_. : ModExp -> PreCommand .

  *** show commands
  op show module . : -> PreCommand .
  op show module_. : ModExp -> PreCommand .
  op show all . : -> PreCommand .
  op show all_. : ModExp -> PreCommand .
  op show sorts . : -> PreCommand .
  op show sorts_. : ModExp -> PreCommand .
  op show ops . : -> PreCommand .
  op show ops_. : ModExp -> PreCommand .
  op show vars . : -> PreCommand .
  op show vars_. : ModExp -> PreCommand .
  op show mbs . : -> PreCommand .
  op show mbs_. : ModExp -> PreCommand .
  op show eqns . : -> PreCommand .
  op show eqns_. : ModExp -> PreCommand .
  op show rls . : -> PreCommand .
  op show rls_. : ModExp -> PreCommand .
  op show view_. : ViewExp -> PreCommand .
  op show modules . : -> PreCommand .
  op show views . : -> PreCommand .

  including VIEWS .
  including COMMANDS .

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