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A.5 Show Commands

show module {module} .
Prints out a representation of the given module (or of the current module if none is given).
show all {module} .
Prints out a flattened representation of the given module (or of the current module if none is given).
show sorts {module} .
Prints out a representation of the sort and subsort information for the given module (or for the current module if none is given).
show ops {module} .
Lists the operators in the given module (or in the current module if none is given).
show vars {module} .
Lists the variables in the given module (or in the current module if none is given).
show mbs {module} .
Lists the membership axioms in the given module (or in the current module if none is given).
show eqs {module} .
Lists the equations in the given module (or in the current module if none is given).
show rls {module} .
Lists the rules in the given module (or in the current module if none is given).
show components {module} .
Lists the connected components of the poset of sorts for the given module (or for the current module if none is given).
show summary {module} .
Shows a summary of statistics for the context free grammar and term rewriting system generated for the given module (or for the current module if none is given).

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